Eco Friendly
Eco-friendly literally means earth-friendly or not harmful to the environment. ” Green” buildings use less energy and result in significantly less air, water, and solid waste pollution than steel or concrete building materials. Wooden structures present the least potential damage to the environment. When measured in monetary terms, the environmental impact of wood structures is less than half of that incurred by concrete structures and nearly one-third less than steel structures.
One might think that cutting trees for timber construction could pose a threat to the environment, but the wood used in building wooden homes is renewable and is regulated by authorities. In addition, as these homes are very well insulated and so controlling the temperature inside the structure would require less energy. This means a significant reduction not only in electricity consumption but also in carbon emissions.

The time taken in construction of wooden houses is comparatively lesser than that of Concrete houses. The Tongue & Groove technology used by us to interlock the cottages makes helps speed by the construction process.
E.g.: Installation time taken for a Resort cottage is a day and a 3 BHK within 15 days. With a manufacturing time of 15 to 20 days. Depending on how busy we are. structures Can be dismantled, relocated, and reused.

Energy Saver
Wood is thermally beneficial. Other material used in construction such as concrete,
cement and metal are affected by the increase or decrease of heat. Every ton of wood material used in construction saves about 5.7 ton of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. As well as being a good thermal insulator, wood is also an excellent noise absorber, making wooden houses warm, relaxing and peaceful.

It is healthy to live in a wooden house It is soothing, aesthetically pleasing and it performs well acoustically. It creates a calming, relaxing atmosphere. Solid wood has the unique ability to absorb moisture and release it back into the air as the room dries. This balances the indoor air humidity to a level between 30 – 50% which is optimal for the health of the people living inside.

Value for Money
Wooden Houses are a Faster and more affordable option. A resort cottage can be built in a day and a 3 BHK within 15 days. With a manufacturing time of 15 to 20 days. Depending on how busy the production unit is.